Sunday, August 4, 2013

More than Just K-pop - Part XI - No Brain

Part IX – No Brain


Back in the 60’s and 70’s, Britain’s economy and global standing were in decline and the ones to take the brunt of it were the working men and women. Years of hard times and a loss of national pride led to anger. Basically they went from a 10 to a 9 and got up in arms. This anger led to birth of Punk.

Fast forward to South Korea in the 90’s: the country had seen a massive economic boom and was now reaching towards becoming relevant in a world that had forgotten it. But they had hit a plateau. The government was constantly fighting and the world saw Korean politics as a farce. The people were still wary of presidents because of the recent memory of a military dictator and a string of corruption. The rich got their money and never gave back while the ret of the population struggled to make ends meet. Basically they started at a 3, were promised a 10, made it to 6 and were beat down by the few who made it to 8 and then had to keep working hard just to keep the 6 and would never see 7.

By all accounts, they should be really angry. They modestly declined from burning this mother down and took the passive approach. Then came the outlet of Korean Punk.

Korean Punk was born in old Hongdae, which is like new Hongdae, but had more people expressing themselves through song and creativity and less people expressing themselves through getting sloshed and finding a random dance partner to rub up on in the club.

It was a toss up for me: No Brain or Crying Nut. No Brain won, but I’ll make the concession with this:

“Shut up! Listen to me!” are the words of rebellion, Korean style. It might not seem like much to westerners, but to them it was huge to be screaming that out and having the audience join in instead of being shocked and disgusted.

No Brain’s style tends to be more laid back as with one of their earliest recorded singles, “Sailor” from 2000. It picks up at the end, but the piece as a whole truly accents their rough beginnings.

Unlike other punk bands, No Brain does not just focus on the anger and cynicism. It’s there, but it’s not the main message. They have concern for the way society is, but want their audience to leave feeling that since it can be better, we need to do something to make it better and not just bitch about it. They actually believe in the power of hope.
"It's Young"

Vocalist Lee Seong-woo, or Bulldaegal, moved to Seoul from Masan with nothing but the clothes he was wearing and the hope of being in a band. He met a group of students there and that’s how the band was formed.

When he got to Seoul, he found a place called Club Drug, the first punk club in Seoul. He ate, slept and lived there with the cockroaches. The place was a rat-infested hell-hole and they didn’t care: It was where they performed. They would do a show, then fall asleep in their sweaty clothes on the floor right there.

When the band started, bass player Jeong Woo-yong, or Bbogle was a music major. The other students in his major looked down on the punk movement, calling it noise. He is still playing, while those students are no longer involved in music.

Their uplifting brand of punk has helped shape and guide the movement in Korea and made them more accessible to the Korean public in general. Listening to No Brain is a gateway to more and more of the underground Punk scene that still exists in Hongdae, amongst the dance clubs and puke-atoriums. Despite being well known, this underground venue is still the favored choice of the band to play at, and they frequently do, without charging ridiculous cover.

You Blew me Away:

Beautiful World (More traditional punk):

Me From Now:

You're Crazy About Me:

For links to all the articles in the series so far, check out the list in the original post:

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